Top 10 HF Antenna Manufacturers in World

In this article, we will discuss the top 10 HF (High Frequency) antenna manufacturers in the world. High Frequency antennas are one of the most widely used and crucial antennas in the modern wireless world. HF frequency spans from 3 MHz – 30 MHz frequency band. HF antenna manufacturers manufacture different types of antennas which are used for different applications. Some of the commonly available HF antenna types and their applications are as follows:

  • Dipole HF antennas: These antennas are used for ham radios and short-wave broadcasting applications. They are reliable and have a straightforward design.
  • Yagi Uda HF antennas: These antennas are widely used for point-to-point communication applications
  • Loop HF antennas: These antennas are widely used in navigation applications, and RF monitoring applications.
  • Vertical HF antennas: These antennas are used in marine applications, portable instruments, and navigation equipment. Some of these antennas are also deployed in ground base stations to facilitate point-to-multipoint communication. A smaller version of vertical HF antennas is also used in amateur radios for field operations.
  • Multiband HF antennas: These are widely used in emergency services that require versatility in the application of use.
  • Magnetic Loop HF antennas: These antennas are used in noise-prone environments. They are also widely used in amateur radios and portable devices.

Now having a brief understanding of different types of HF antennas and their applications, let us investigate some of the prominent HF antenna manufacturers in the world. This list of HF antenna manufacturers was listed based on their antenna portfolio and engineering innovation capability. This short article can be used as a reference to determine and select between HF antenna manufacturers in the world.


Founded: 2014

 Country: China

Employees: 100+

Company Profile: Tesswave is an emerging antenna manufacturer based in China. The company is recognized for its strong R&D expertise and is certified with ISO 9001:2015 certification for antenna production. Their antenna portfolio expands from different small scale industrial antennas to rich line of antennas covering a large chunk of frequencies. Some of their antennas include:

  • 5G/4G LTE/GSM antennas
  • Wi-Fi & Bluetooth antennas
  • RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) antennas
  • VHF (Very High Frequencies) and UHF (Ultra High Frequency) antennas
  • LoRa/LoRa WAN antennas

When it comes to HF antennas they manufacture, dipole HF antennas, Yagi Uda antennas, and Multiband HF antennas. These are operable throughout the HF frequency band and can be used for different sets of applications. To access Tesswave antenna portfolio visit their official website.

NCG Company

Founded: N/A

Country: United States of America

Employees: 10+

Company Profile: NCG – NatCommGroup Company is one of the leading wholesale and retail antenna providers for COMET brand antenna products based in the USA. COMET brand antennas are originally manufactured in Japan with high-quality designs. NatCommGroup is specialized in providing handheld radio antennas which are operable in HF frequency range. Moreover, they also provide antennas for,

  • Land mobiles
  • Wi-Fi and LAN networks
  • Multiband mobile applications

For more information you can refer to their official website where you can find the right choice for your application.

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Founded: 2020

Country: United States of America

Employees: 50+

Company Profile: Chelegance is a new antenna solution provider based in the USA. They have developed their amateur radio station known as JNCRadio. Apart from the radio, they also provide different antenna and connectivity solutions to customers. Moreover, their product portfolio includes antennas, amateur radios, Vector Network Analyzers, and other RF ancillary equipment.  When it comes to HF antennas, they manufacture dipole HF antennas which are aimed at their product line, but also can be used with general-purpose applications. You can access their product portfolio on their official website.

Diamond Antenna

Founded: 1956

Country: United States of America

Employees: 250+

Company Profile: Diamond antenna is a leading antenna manufacturer and distributor based in the USA. They are providing a wide range of antenna application and types including:

  • VHF and UHF base station antennas
  • Mobile antennas
  • HF antennas

Apart from antennas, they are also manufacturing other accessories such as duplexers and triplexers. When it comes to HF antennas, they provide different types of HF antennas including dipole antennas and multiband antennas. For more information you can refer to their official website.


Founded: N/A

Country: Germany

Employees: 250+

Company Profile: Optibeam is a leading antenna manufacturer and distributor based in Germany. Their product portfolio includes a wide range of antennas such as:

  • Dipole antennas
  • Yagi Uda antennas
  • Multiband antennas

These antennas operate in different frequency ranges including the HF range. These antennas can be used in different applications such as Wi-Fi, cellular applications, and radio applications. For more information you can refer to their official website.


Founded: N/A

Country: United States of America

Employees: 250+

Company Profile: Antennas-Amplifiers is a USA-based antenna manufacturer and distributor. They have a wide range of antennas including:

  • HF antennas
  • UHF and VHF antennas
  • Dual band and multiband antennas
  • Cellular base station antennas

When it comes to HF antennas, their product portfolio include:

  • Multiband HF antennas
  • Yagi Uda HF antennas
  • Dipole HF antennas
  • DX Contest HF antennas

From these set of antennas, most of them can withstand high winds and other severe environmental conditions and hence would contain many elements when it comes to Yagi Uda HF antennas. For more information, you can refer to their official website.

M2 Antenna Systems

Founded: 1984

Country: United States of America

Employees: 100+

Company Profile: M2 Antenna Systems is a leading antenna manufacturer and distributor based in the USA. They are specialized in providing high performance antenna products for Radio, Wireless, ISP, commercial, government, and defense systems. When it comes to HF antennas, they are manufacturing Yagi Uda HF antennas which can withstand high wind conditions and other severe environmental conditions. More information on their HF antennas can be accessed via their official website.

From these set of antennas, most of them can withstand high winds and other severe environmental conditions and hence would contain many elements when it comes to Yagi Uda HF antennas. For more information, you can refer to their official website.

M2 Antenna Systems

Founded: 1984

Country: United States of America

Employees: 100+

Company Profile: M2 Antenna Systems is a leading antenna manufacturer and distributor based in the USA. They are specialized in providing high performance antenna products for Radio, Wireless, ISP, commercial, government, and defense systems. When it comes to HF antennas, they are manufacturing Yagi Uda HF antennas which can withstand high wind conditions and other severe environmental conditions. More information on their HF antennas can be accessed via their official website.

  • Magnetic Loop HF antennas
  • Yagi Uda HF antennas

These antennas provide versatile performance and ability. More information on their antenna portfolio can be accessed via their official website.

MFJ Enterprises

Founded: 1972

Country: United States of America

Employees: 100+

Company Profile: MFJ Enterprises is a leading amateur radio and antenna manufacturer based in the USA. They also provide RF and antenna testing and consultant services to its customers. When it comes to HF antennas, they provide a wide range of HF antennas including vertical, dipole, Yagi Uda, and loop antennas. Detailed information on their product portfolio can be accessed via their official website.


Founded: 1986

Country: United States of America

Employees: 250+

Company Profile: Greyline is a leading electrical and electronics manufacturing company based in the USA. They also provide different antenna and connectivity solutions. They are also renowned for their superior customer satisfaction. When it comes to HF antennae, they are specialized in HF vertical antennas which are widely used for marine applications and portable devices. More information on their product portfolio can be viewed on their official website.


In this article, we investigated the top 10 HF antenna manufacturers in the world according to their product range and customer satisfaction. According to the information, it is clear most manufacturers provide HF antenna for cellular and radio communication. This article can be used as a reference when selecting a suitable HF antenna for your application.

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