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7 Use Cases of LPWAN in Asset Tracking and Logistics

Low- Power Wide- Area Network (LPWAN) technology is changing the game in the world of asset tracking and logistics. This arising technology has the implicit to revise the logistics assiduity by furnishing real-time data on the position and condition of means, optimizing operations, reducing delay times, perfecting force operation, and reducing the threat of theft.

In this article, we will explore seven LPWAN use cases in asset tracking and logistics, including Container Tracking, Vehicle Tracking, Asset Monitoring, Supply Chain Management, Asset Recovery, Fleet Management, and Cold Chain Management.

LPWAN Use Cases in Asset Tracking and Logistics

Wide-area low-power networks have changed how companies manage their means (LPWAN). Because of its long-range, low-power capabilities, LPWAN is suitable to cover means across great distances and track their precise locations. The use cases of LPWAN in asset tracking and logistics include the following:

1. Container Tracking

Container tracking is a common use case for LPWAN technology in asset tracking and logistics. LPWAN technology enables holders to be tracked in real-time, furnishing logistics companies with accurate information on the position and status of their holders. This can help companies to optimize their operations by reducing delay times, perfecting force operations, and reducing the threat of theft.

One illustration of a vessel tracking result that uses LPWAN technology is the Nwave Tag. This small, battery-powered device can be attached to any vessel, and it uses Sigfox LPWAN technology to communicate with the internet. The Nwave Tag can give real-time position data, as well as information on temperature, moisture, and shock.

2. Vehicle Tracking

Another use for LPWAN technology is vehicle tracking, which gives logistics companies access to real-time data about the whereabouts and condition of their vehicles. This can benefit businesses by optimizing their routes, saving energy, and enhancing driver safety.

A vehicle tracking result employing LPWAN technology is the Fleetmatics REVEAL platform. This platform uses LoRaWAN technology to follow trucks in real-time, providing logistics companies with exact location information as well as information on driver behavior, energy consumption, and vehicle conservation.

3. Asset Monitoring

The condition of the means can likewise be covered in real-time using LPWAN technology. This can be especially helpful for equipment that is susceptible to heat, dampness, or shock. Logistics firms may guarantee that their means are transported in the best conditions by monitoring the condition of those means in real time, lowering the risk of damage or corruption.

The Thinxtra Xtrak result is an example of an asset monitoring outcome using LPWAN technology. In order to provide logistics firms with information on temperature, moisture, shock, and other environmental elements, this result employs Sigfox LPWAN technology to cover the state of means in real-time.

4. Supply Chain Management

LPWAN technology allows businesses to track supplies in real-time, which helps them optimize their force chain processes. By installing LPWAN-enabled detectors on pallets, beaters, and other means, businesses can track the position and condition of their goods as it moves through the force chain.

This information can be used to identify backups, ameliorate routes, and speed up delivery times. Having access to real-time information on the position and state of force can help businesses make better opinions regarding routing, scheduling, and deliveries. Supply chain productivity and effectiveness increase as a result.

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5. Asset Recovery

LPWAN technology can also be used for asset recovery, enabling logistics companies to detect lost or stolen means. By using LPWAN technology to track the position of means in real time, logistics companies can snappily detect missing means and recover them before they’re lost or stolen.

One illustration of an asset recovery result that uses LPWAN technology is the Trackimo GPS shamus. This small, battery-powered device uses Sigfox LPWAN technology to track the position of means in real time, furnishing logistics companies with accurate information on the position of their means.

6. Fleet Management

Vehicles and outfits can be tracked using LPWAN technology, which provides real-time data on their operation and position. Businesses may optimize their operations and cut charges by placing LPWAN-enabled bias on exchanges, vessels, and other vehicles to track the position and operation of their line.

The monitoring of driver behavior, similar to abrupt retardation or acceleration, using this data can help increase safety and lower conservation costs. Businesses can make better opinions regarding routing, scheduling, and conservation thanks to real timeline data, which eventually results in a more effective and provident line.

7. Cold Chain Management

LPWAN technology can also be used for cold chain operations, enabling logistics companies to cover the temperature and moisture of goods in real-time. This can be particularly useful for the transport of perishable goods, similar to food and medicine.

One illustration of a cold chain operation result that uses LPWAN technology is the Sensolus result. This result uses Sigfox LPWAN technology to cover the temperature and moisture of goods in real-time, furnishing logistics companies with information on the condition of their goods throughout the force chain. The result also provides analytics tools that can help companies to optimize their cold chain operation, similar to relating areas where temperature oscillations do and where advancements can be made to reduce corruption.

LPWAN technologies are transforming how businesses track and manage their assets and logistics operations. By providing real-time data about the location, state, and use of assets, LPWAN-enabled devices help organizations to optimize their fleet and supply chain operations, reduce maintenance costs, and boost overall efficiency.


LPWAN technology is changing the game in asset tracking and logistics, enabling logistics companies to optimize their operations, reduce delay times, enhance force operation, and reduce the threat of theft. The seven use cases explored in this composition demonstrate the versatility and eventuality of LPWAN technology in logistics assiduity, from vessel tracking and vehicle tracking to asset monitoring, force chain operation, asset recovery, line operation, and cold chain operation.

Many efficient LPWAN application cases exist in asset tracking and logistics management, ranging from security and theft prevention to predictive maintenance. Upcoming LPWAN networks are anticipated to expand and improve, leading to the development of ever more innovative applications.

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